Reasons to look after the general state of your garage
February 8, 2018
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May 8, 2018
Benefits of a drive-through garage
Where have all the drive-through garages gone? The concept of a rear garage door that leads to the backyard may seem very 1985, and something your parents did, but it is in fact a highly practical addition to the family home.
If the height, location and accessibility of your garage allows for a rear door, here are some good reasons to consider it:
1.It allows you to easily store your trailer, caravan or boat
Although some larger properties can consider a third or even a fourth garage for that extra car, the caravan or boat, it isn’t always the most viable or cost-effective option. A rear garage door allows you to store your trailer, caravan, boat or even a temporary guest’s car, safely in the backyard.
2. It allows you to use the space for other activities
In recent years the garage has become an extension of the house. An extra space in which to do anything from laundry and DIY to Pilates. With an open rear garage door, any kind of hobby is suitable in this space as there will be enough ventilation, natural light and privacy in which to do so.
It is also a great way to cool down the house on hotter days.
3. It allows you to entertain more comfortably in the backyard
Gauteng’s weather is ideal for entertaining outdoors, which is why the backyard party is just so much more convenient and cost-effective than hiring a venue. With a rear garage door you can celebrate your children’s birthday parties, or any other large gathering of your liking, in the comfort of your own backyard. The garage can serve as one giant “gazebo” where guests, food and drinks can hide from the sun.
Rightfit Garage Doors is a garage door installation, repair and maintenance company that specialises in wooden, aluminium and aluzinc. Contact us on 012 817 2065 for an obligation free quotation. Alternatively, click here for a quick quote.