Securing your home for the year ahead
February 28, 2017
7 Ways To Give Your Garage The Face-Lift It Needs
April 26, 2017
Things To Consider Before Investing In New Garage Doors
If your garage doors are barely closing or if they are extremely weathered it could be time to consider installing new ones. Why? Because a garage is perhaps the part of the property often overlooked when it comes to its value and purpose. By upgrading your garage doors you not only boost the look and feel of your home, but you also enhance its security. In doing so you create the option for your garage to become a place you utilise efficiently for extra secure storage space. If it is extremely difficult opening and closing your garage doors, new ones take away that schlep too.
Installing new garage doors can be a big decision, so here are a few things to consider:
1. Repairing broken garage doors vs. buying new onesGarage doors are built to last, but due to normal wear and tear they require proper maintenance every so often to ensure they last as long as they should. If your doors still look fine but have a broken element or two, perhaps request a quote for garage door repairs before installing new ones.
2. Your budgetThe variety of doors available on the market is so lovely and diverse; consumers are literally spoilt for choice. But before putting your heart on a specific type and style, first consider your budget. It could be wise to do your homework and find out the difference in price when it comes to style, type and automation. Shopping for garage doors specials are also a good idea to ensure you get the best deal for the budget you have.
3. Automated garage doors vs. manualAutomated garage doors make it easy and convenient for anyone to enter and exit a garage. But before just blindly invest in it – consider whether the price difference matches the convenience. When opting for automated doors you should also ask your installer what type of garage door motor he is installing and what the warranty and maintenance requirements are, so that you are entirely informed.
4. Garage door typeThe top three garage door types are wood, aluminium and aluzinc, and each of these come with their own set of advantages and maintenance requirements. Read more on this in our article entitled How to choose the right garage door for your home before making your choice.
5. Garage door styleIrrespective of whether you choose wood, aluminium or aluzinc garage doors, the design and colour of your choice is imperative to the final look and feel. Will windows in your doors work well with the design of your home? Also think about which colour and pattern will complement your garage the best.
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