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8 Hobbies the Garage is Ideal For
Winter is looming. The ideal time to pick up a new, more indoorsy hobby. And the perfect setting: the garage! The garage is spacious and by investing in some insulation it could be cosy too. Who knows maybe a garage revamp in its own right could be the hobby for you this season. But nonetheless, we’ve looked at some of the most interesting hobbies that require ample space.
The most obvious of the lot, of course, but worth a mention. Take up working with wood, leather or any other material of your choice. Even repairing broken things can be an enjoyable hobby, not to mention all the money you’ll save in the process.
Brew your own beer
Over the past few years craft beer has grown extremely popular. If you enjoy drinking it, you might even enjoy brewing it too. With the multiple free guides available online, you won’t have any trouble learning how to become a master brewer yourself. You can experiment with different ingredients of your choosing and invite the guys over to taste.
A home gym
For a lot of people exercise is not just that 30 minutes, three days a week to stay in shape – it is a much-loved hobby in which they invest a lot of time and a lot of money. Convert your garage into a gym for bodybuilding or if it is dancing or yoga that you are after, the space can work extremely well too.
Clothing making and sewing is a skill not so many people possess anymore. If this is the hobby you (or your wife) would like to take up or expand during the coming months, the garage is a great place to set up your workstation. You don’t have to make wedding dresses or matric dance gowns, you can start small by making quality leisure and work garments for yourself, family and friends.
Do you desire to learn to play an instrument? Soundproofing the garage is actually not so difficult or expensive. Did you know empty egg cartons can do the trick? Here you are out of the rest of the family’s hair and can play the same thing over and over until you are able to master a drum solo like Phil Collins.
If you are great at spotting a bargain, why not make some extra money from it by reselling it for a profit? Use the garage to repair and store your finds in the interim.
Gaming can be a hobby the whole family can enjoy. Turn your garage into the ultimate game room with all your favourite games permanently set up i.e. pool, chess, darts, poker, Playstation etc.
Vehicle restorations
Another fairly obvious hobby for the garage is the restoration or rebuilding of cars or motorcycles. While tinkering under the hood isn’t everyone's speciality, if you have a talent, this could be an enjoyable pastime for you.
According to a study people who engaged in a hobby for as little as two hours a week showed improved mental wellbeing. What will your new hobby be? We’d love to hear what leisure activity you practice in your garage.
Make sure your garage door is fully functional and can lock securely before storing your hobby equipment in this space. Talk to RightFit for assistance with this.